
Saturday, April 25, 2009

**NEW** Product Listings For $1!!! is EXTREMELY affordable when it comes to selling your product(s) online!

We are pleased to announce it now costs JUST $1.00 to list an item online!

And the best part is your item listing can remain up on the site UNTIL YOU SELL (NOTE: we are developing a system, WHICH IS NOT YET ACTIVE, that will remove products after 3 months to prevent items from remaining active indefinitely- to prevent the site being populated with older products that may have sold offline. BUT we plan to notify you via email when your item listing is about to expire so that you can RENEW YOUR LISTING FOR FREE, INDEFINITELY, until your item actually sells)! So forget monthly renewal fees to re-list your item. Just list and know we allow you to leave your listing up for however long you need to find a Christian buyer. This is the cornerstone of our site and explains our often used phrase "Christians supporting Christians AND their local churches."

So, for example, if you want to sell a pack of cards for $3.00, jewelry for $50, a treadmill for $500, or an antique furniture set for $10,000, you pay us JUST $1 to list! Then, when you sell your item, you pay us NO FURTHER FEES (you get the idea!)...

And remember, we give YOUR chosen church or Christian organization 10% of the fees you pay to us. So for every $1 you pay to list an item, we give $0.10 to your church or Christian organization. We DO NOT give any percentage of your item sales fee to your church, as we collect no fees when you sell.

So how can churches and Christian organizations benefit? One word: VOLUME (and it can add up quickly)! Especially as more and more people in the church use our site for product purchases, business listings, travel, music, etc.!

The above fees apply to all categories EXCEPT for autos, marine, motors, and real estate. These categories require different list fee amounts. Pricing in these categories is SIMPLE and as follows:

1) Autos: $5 one-time listing fee; listing can remain active UNTIL YOU SELL (as long as you renew your listing FOR FREE every 3 months as described above); there are no fees when you sell!

2) Marine: $5 one-time listing fee; listing can remain active UNTIL YOU SELL (as long as you renew your listing FOR FREE every 3 months as described above); there are no fees when you sell!

3) Motors: $5 one-time listing fee; listing can remain active UNTIL YOU SELL (as long as you renew your listing FOR FREE every 3 months as described above); there are no fees when you sell!

4) Real Estate: $10 one-time listing fee; listing can remain active UNTIL YOU SELL (as long as you renew your listing FOR FREE every 3 months as described above); there are no fees when you sell!

Also, if you join a church or Christian organization's garage sale, YOU PAY NO LISTING FEES! And 100% of the money made on sales can go back to the church or organization! We make nothing, but churches and organizations can use the money to further their ministry budgets!

So you can see, our price structure is easy to understand, and very inexpensive to help you sell with confidence!

Just to be clear, WE DO NOT give 10% of your listing's SALE PRICE to your church. We are not involved in the sale of an item between two individuals (sales occur off our site through PayPal or by the seller's chosen payment methods). We give 10% of the fees that are ACTUALLY paid to us (as explained above)- the $1, $5, or $10 listing fees ($0.10, $0.50, or $1 respectively will go to your chosen church or Christian organization).

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or comments!

We are committed to helping Christians support Christians AND their local churches!

Click the following link to see how to become a seller on

Becoming a seller!

Click the following link to see our fee structure again:

Fee structure!

God bless and have a great day!

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